Our journey to Southern Africa - part 6:
By Marius Westgard Erichsen
Saturday December 27.
When we came to Bulawayo we went out on a safari in the Motobo hills. Now, the animals
we had not seen and wanted to see, were giraffe and rhino. Since the guide company was
named Black Rhino Safaris, we thought there was a fair chance to see rhinos. We saw both
giraffe and rhino, we also saw some antelopes, but that was not too exciting anymore
because we had seen so many in Okawango. We also saw cave paintings and Cecil Rhodes
grave. It was located on a hill with a beautiful view. This area was very different from
the flat bush landscape we had seen in Botswana and Vic. Falls. It was not only hilly, but
there was lots of strange rocks, standing on top of each other. Some of them shaped
figures, like the famous "mother and child", which obviously also gives
inspiration to a number of big and small sculptures of the same name. (In Harare we bought
a very nice one, made of some greenish and not very hard stone.) We stayed at the
Berkley's Place. For dinner we had eland beef, eland is the biggest of the antelopes, it
tasted just like ordinary cow.
pictures from the Matobo hills
Sunday December 28.
Now we did not have too much time to get to Harare for the flight home. So we hit the streets early Sunday morning, to find a bus. It was hard to find, but we found an English couple who were heading the same direction. We considered renting a car all together, but the car rentals were closed. In the end the bus they had booked on turned up. So we we took a so called luxury bus, this time. It was only a couple of hours too late and they had the windows open so the air-condition could not work.. But we arrived in Harare that very day.
Go to next part: Harare
Go to previous page: Victoria Falls
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MWE 04.12.98